by Event Amplifier | Feb 9, 2015 | amplification, audio, tools, video
Showzee is a new visual platform to showcase your talents and interests and connect with likeminded people. But can it be a useful tool for events? In this post we review the new social media site Showzee and consider how it could be useful for events as a potential...
by Event Amplifier | Mar 28, 2012 | curation
We explore a new tool for creating multimedia timelines and consider how this could be used in an amplified event context. Today has been a day for playing with new tools. My favourite is Timeline, a curation tool that allows you to present a variety of...
by Event Amplifier | Mar 15, 2012 | logistics, planning, Twitter
What are the risks involved with promoting Twitter use at your event? In this post, we consider the potential pitfalls and the ways you can mitigate against these risks. Over the last few months I have been working with UKOLN to produce an amplified...