by Event Amplifier | Oct 10, 2011 | networks, tools
LinkedIn rarely seems to feature in the palette of social media platforms used to help amplify an event. However, as a rich source of predominantly professional networks, it should provide the perfect platform for more formal events to engage with their communities. I...
by Event Amplifier | Mar 16, 2011 | Twitter
Yesterday saw me take on the mantle of two Twitter accounts: @JISCLive and @JISCLive2. I was engaged to provide a live commentary of the JISC11 conference in Liverpool, which brought together senior managers, academics, library professionals, teachers, policy makers...
by Event Amplifier | Mar 11, 2011 | amplification, hybrid, planning, Slideshare, Storify, tools, Twitter
I have recently been involved with planning the event amplification for the JISC Conference 2011, which is finally upon us. I will be travelling up to Liverpool on Monday to play my part in making the event accessible to a remote audience, and wanted to take the...